Thursday, March 02, 2006

One Week Down

It all pretty much feels routine now. Went to the Phoenix Rock Gym on Monday and tonight. Lots of new routes compared to last week and even though the place leaves alot to be desired it's starting to grow on me. I should get back out to Oak Flats this weekend. Finally bouldering consistently is going to be very good for my climbing -- I'm feeling stronger every night. Met some stronger climbers tonight that I'll hopefully hang out more with that will be good too.

Couple of things I've heard on the radio down here that I don't hear back home:
1) "We're under a pollution warning again today, so you all know the drill..."
2) "It might hit 80 tomorrow, finally starting to feel like spring!"

Funny conversation overheard at work today (not sure if this is going to be funny in a blog, sorry if not..):
Lady in cubicle diagonal from mine (out of the blue): "So I hope you don't mind working with me"
Guy in cubicle across from me (who doesn't see her): "Why's that?"
Lady: "Me being bipolar and all, just thought you should know"
Guy: "Oh yeah?" chuckles a little uncomfortably
Lady: "Yeah, I was hanging out w/ some random name last night and she said I was like a freakin' camel that had gone insane"
Guy: "....pause That doesn't make any sense."
Lady: "so that's why I'm calling you, I wanted to warn you........blah blah"

and then she continues talking, now obviously into the phone and not to the guy in the next cubicle, can't imagine how he felt :). I almost burst out laughing.


Jeremy Berg said...

"Like a camel...?" I wonder what she was referring to?? Water intake? That's a funny story - even on a blog.

Daniel Kent said...

NWA made a deal! No strike! That means I'll be there sometime Thursday. I'll be renting a car and will keep myself occupied.

EricBerget said...

That's pretty much hilarious. Please be friends with this person. I want to hear more stories.