Monday, March 27, 2006


Been here well over a month now. Looking forward to my return. I see the weather up there in Minnesota is starting to get really nice this week -- into the 50s even. That sounds perfect. I went jogging last night for the first time in about a year. It was probably between a mile and a mile and a half and man my lungs felt like they were going to explode. I must keep it up though and it will get better very fast I know.

Here's a song of my brother's called Ocean he gave me permission to post on here:
I think he did an excellent job on this and it's worth listening to.


Jeremy Berg said...

NICE! Who's on on back up? Sounds like something for a movie soundtrack. What movie?

Neil said...

His friend Melody is singing backups.

Daniel Kent said...

Running is Good. I started running when I was like 13. Keep your head up to keep your lungs stretched. Keep your eyes focused close in front of you (don't look down the street because it is discouraging as it seems like you are going slow). Your bro's music is great. The talent is genetic. I couldn't find that other song, though. He must have deleted it.

Neil said...

What other song?