Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Recording Music in My Hotel Room/Rainin' in the Desert

I climb Tuesday's and Thursday's so Wednesday happens to be one of my guitar nights on a typical week. I came up with a couple of cool bluegrassy licks tonight and strung them together in a little jam I decided to call 'Rainin' in the Desert'. I've often wondered how musicians name their instrumental pieces..sometimes very specific titles that simply don't make any sense. 'Rainin' in the Desert' doesn't make any sense either. It's just the first thing that popped into my head. I decided to check out a free recording program called 'Audacity' (thanks to Amit) and have recorded my attempt at bluegrass jamming here in my hotel room -- gotta love the built-in laptop microphone:
or if you want a fancy online player and can't be bothered with things like downloading: Posted by Picasa


Daniel Kent said...

Sounds good. When I downloaded it, it played, then went straight to "Born to Breath" afterwards. Makes for a great intro.

Daniel Kent said...

I downloaded into itunes, that's why it went to your other song right after. HEY. Did you see that Jackie Greene's new album is already available on Itunes?

Daniel Kent said...

Oh. I just read your response to my comment from the other day. You already knew about Itunes

Neil said...

I didn't know about itunes having it, because I don't have itunes on this laptop, but I did get the CD at Best Buy on Tuesday.

Jeremy Berg said...

Sounds good, Neil. Technology is cool. I can't figure out how to get a picture for my profile. I need an URL on my pics, but they are in my jpeg files on my harddrive. Any help?

strikecity said...

Wow! How 'bout a hand for that laptop microphone. You can't hear the hard drive or cooling fan at all. Oh yeah, the song was pretty good too.