Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hueco Update

Not much to report. I got food poisoning or something a few days ago and am just now getting better from it. Yesterday was my first day of climbing since my first day and I was really weak as I've eaten hardly any food for the past 3 days. I did make some progress on Baby Face and have no doubt that I will send it when I stop hyperventilating after 2 moves :). I'm falling currently going for the 2nd pinch on the arete.

I'm not the only one feeling under the weather so it seems only Chad has really been doing much of any climbing. He did a nice V5 called Lobster Claw:

After this, he and Andy went to work on Lithologic and Andy did it 2nd go. Here's Chad on it who is also very close:


josh said...

holy !@#$ that is teh suck! hope you're back on top again soon.
was it a taqueria? man, those places are sketchy.

Neil said...

I actually went straight downhill after eating at a Macaroni Grill.

Daniel Kent said...

Food Poisoning: Lay on your left side when you sleep.

Climbing update: I enjoyed reading your review. Look forward to more climbing pictures.

Neil said...

Interesting advice Dan...