Sunday, March 12, 2006

There's Snow in Them Hills

Tried to go out to Oak Flats today with Dan to do some climbing again. It had rained all day yesterday but today was beautiful. Felt like perfect climbing conditions. After renting shoes for Dan, we made the 45 minute drive only to discover that instead of rain, it had snowed yesterday at the higher elevations starting just before we got to Superior. Apparently, the word had spread as what appeared like thousands of people had congregrated in this little town and kids and families were everywhere building snowmen and having snowfights like they'd never seen it before. The traffic backed up for miles. And then we found out -- Highway 60 through Queen Creek Canyon was closed -- apparently snowed in. What a bummer! We ended up turning around and as a consolation prize found a pullout, jumped a barbed wire fence and hiked up to a ridge to take in some cool views. Posted by Picasa


Jeremy Berg said...

Rain and Snow? Dan brought the Apocalypse to Arizona!

Daniel Kent said...

It was a land that snowmen had never seen before... and the snow-covered cactuses were baffled.

Daniel Kent said...

Hey! American Myth is available on Itunes!

Neil said...

Buy it, it's great.