Monday, July 24, 2006

I've been working a website these past few weeks that you should check out. It's at . Hitori is a Japanese game vaguely similar to Suduko that involves numbers in a grid. Hitori is a bit easier than Suduko in my opinion but still can be fairly challenging. Check it out! There's a link on the page that explains the rules..


Daniel Kent said...

WHoah. Did you make htis site? I'm not really a soduku fan, though. Those math puzzles... I just feel like I'm putting a shattered vase together. I guess i can see why people like them though. I really like "Text Twist" on Yahoo Games. I'm sleepy. Good Night.

Neil said...

Yeah, I made it -- just in case it's the next big thing :).

Neil said...

I've updated the help page now to have a strategy guide and help on finding starting positions.