Saturday, December 01, 2007


I've been climbing with a tweaked finger tendon for the last 6 weeks or so and I've come to realize it's gotten bad enough that I have to take a break.. The plan is 3 weeks of no climbing and then the following 3 weeks of slowly escalating to the Hueco trip. Hueco is 6 weeks away and counting and even though taking a few weeks off now will be frustrating -- it will be far more frustrating to be in Hueco not at 100%. It's just as well I take a break now -- the MN season looks to be officially over -- we're getting 6+ inches of snow dumped on us right now and more to come tonight and tomorrow. So all I'll be missing is plastic climbing. I will be focusing on core workouts in the meantime and antagonist muscle training.

Here's some random pictures to brighten up the post:
Me about to fall off Kahuna Roof at Carter Lake -- over and over again:

Chad Johnson on The Angler/The Rail in Joe's Valley:

Josh on Boogie Nights in Triassic:

Eric Johnson sending Serengetti in Bishop:

Jim Merli on Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground at Swede's Forest (there's the same Tetanus Kettle in the background from my previous post, 2 years earlier):

Me trying Germ Free Adolescence in Eldorado Canyon 2 years ago:

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Neil! There's only one thing you should do! Accupuncture! If you really want to be HEALED and not have to worry about it, get yourself stuck! Seriously! Two treatments on my shoulder a week before Hueco and no problems at all! DO IT! DO IT NOW!